
PANTHER TECHNICAL SERVICES LTD (#689000 since 2010) is a registered member of ACSESS : Association Of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services.
Since 1962 ACSESS has been the single voice of the search, employment and staffing services industry.
ACSESS Major Objectives:
Government Relations; representing the staffing industry before all levels of government.
Public Relations & Industry Awareness: Fulfilling a positive advocacy role to enhance the reputation of the staffing industry in Canada.
Ethics & Business Practices: Promoting the best interest of ACSESS member companies, their candidates, employees and client organizations.
Education & Training: National Conference and Certified Personnel Consultant Program. The CPC designation.
As a member of ACSESS, PANTHER is committed to uphold the ACSESS code of Ethics & Standards. We support the principles set forth and acknowledge that compliance with these principles is in the best interests of ACSESS member companies, their candidates, employees, client organizations, and the reputation of the search, employment and staffing services profession in Canada.